
Chat Relationship Management

Just as texting has become more common than placing a phone call, communicating via social media and through chat functions is slowly replacing email in many situations. In addition to using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, tools like Podio, Yammer and Chatter are becoming more prevalent for business communication. So, why are chat capabilities and real-time communication so important for enterprises?

Here are three reasons your business should consider implementing chat functionality to build stronger customer and team relationships: 

  • Project Collaboration – Email communication regarding a specific project can build up quickly and become nothing more than a horrible clog of your inbox. Chat communication can help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of client project work by allowing for instant feedback. Team members no longer have to wait for an email response as simple questions and edits can be incorporated instantly.

Additionally, chats can be used as a complementary communication method to assist in project advancement. For example, perhaps your client did not see an online article or post, and their review of this information is essential to moving the project forward. While you are holding a phone call with your customer, you can send the article via an instant message. 

This all makes client communication and collaboration more seamless and creates a dynamic workflow. 

  • Live Customer Service – We’ve all been in this situation: You are ready to purchase a product, but you just have one question or concern. Wouldn’t you be more likely to purchase this product if that question could be answered immediately? The answer is yes. 

Visitors to your company’s site can obtain a wealth of information from demos, downloads and other listed information. However, not all information is posted on a website (for good reason), and this is where chat is extremely helpful. Customers are less likely to leave your site without a purchase or decision and move on to your competitor if they have opportunity for real-time interaction. They don’t have to dial customer support, fill out a form or compose an email, and they can communicate quickly and conveniently. The fewer roadblocks your customers face, the stronger the customer relationship and loyalty. 

  • Connect Across Various Locations – Your clients are always on the go and operate from offices across the globe. Therefore, it isn’t always feasible to pick up the phone and reach them immediately. However, chat functions allow users to see when someone is online and available to speak. Clients that are connected to the chat tool can be sent a message instantly. This eliminates the hassle and cost of dialing internationally as well as any miscommunication due to dialect differences. 

While many business professionals may be hesitant to use instant messaging or chat functions because it reminds them of using “old school” AIM, it’s time to think again. Real-time communication is the best way to reach your customers and establish more personal relationships. After all, don’t you feel more connected to a company or product that responds to your query instantly, versus receiving an impersonal email as part of a larger marketing campaign?

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