
It's Goal Time: Planning For A Successful 2014

As an avid Spartan Obstacle Race participant, I know how satisfying it can be to set goals and achieve them. Last year, I challenged myself to earn the Spartan Race Trifecta Award by completing three Spartan races in one year – and I did it! It took a lot of focused, physically demanding training, but by keeping my long-term goals in mind, I was able to pace myself and stay the course. 

Participating in these races doesn’t just keep me in great physical shape, it also inspires me to think differently about my professional goals. Studies show that nearly a quarter of New Year’s resolutions are broken by the end of January – probably because people give up easily when they don’t see quick results. But my training has taught me the importance of taking the long view: making steady progress, appreciating setbacks as learning opportunities, and continuously visualizing success.



Here are a few long-term goals marketers can pursue this year, based on some of our most inspiring research findings from 2013:

Make Mom feel beautiful

Beauty brands face big challenges when it comes to fitting into moms’ busy schedules and tight budgets. Even though most women start feeling like their old selves six to 12 months after childbirth, only 35% of them find time for a basic beauty routine, and 73% say simple beauty products are a luxury. By understanding the changing mindset of moms throughout the journey of motherhood, marketers can help them find a beauty routine that works for their specific life stage.

Key insight: New moms explore beauty products based on price (91%), ease of use (83%), and effectiveness (78%).

Help her whole family get fit

Health and wellness are big priorities for moms, both before and after giving birth. Expectant moms are 122% more likely to take vitamins, and 96% more likely to eat well. After becoming moms, women tend to take better care of themselves so they can be there for their children, focusing on healthier ingredients in their food and making more time for exercise. Later, as their children age, moms start finding ways the whole family can stay healthy together. For me, that means working out with my husband and 9-year-old twins on the weekends – a great way to combine family quality time with fitness.

Key insight: The majority of today’s young families try to find an exercise regimen they can do together, to instill healthy behaviors from a young age. It’s part of modern families’ daily lives.

Help Mom master mealtimes

It’s never easy to get kids to eat well at every meal – even if you’re an elite athlete. When my daughters were young, they used to get so distracted during dinner I would occasionally resort to bribery to get them to finish their vegetables. I’m not alone: 32% of moms report bribing their children with sweets to get them to eat healthy foods (up from 27% in 2009). But as with all of my goals, I try to keep an eye on long-term success. Occasional treats are okay in moderation, as long as we’re teaching our kids lifelong healthy habits. For marketers, it’s important to understand that healthy meals are a big priority for moms – and a big challenge. Moms report that they’re dealing with distracted eaters at every age, but particularly between the ages of 3 and 4, and that picky eating is their number one issue with children age 8 and older. By helping moms incorporate healthy, kid-friendly food choices into their family meals, marketers will win their long-term gratitude and loyalty.

Key insight: Moms with children between 1 and 2 years old are most interested in setting the stage for healthy eating habits.

As I work toward my long-term training goals this year and pursue my second Trifecta Award, I’ll be thinking about all the ways my clients are also planning for a year of hard-won success. By really taking the time to understand moms’ specific mindsets, challenges, and expectations, we’ll be sure to cross the finish line with moms at our sides.

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